Attendees at Dr. Goodby’s presentation last week had an added treat. Following his talk several people came forward with their artifacts. One object had been found in the family’s 1700s New Hampton home when renovation there opened up the eaves and found a “strange round almost stone-like object.” Goodby confirmed that this object is a “CELT and ranged from 1000-9000 years old most likely closer to 5000 years old.”
Other objects included flakes found in Freedom on the shores of Ossipee Lake last fall after the water level was lowered. While one object does appear to be an arrowhead, Goodby said that because there was only one ridge on one side and the back side was flat, it was more likely to have been a flake from other stone work. The black object is clearly a flake. The object that resembles the arrowhead is made from hornsfells–a kind of stone found in the Ossipee Mountains. But the black flake is not a New England rock at all and is found in upstate New York. Goodby suggested that most likely a chunk of that stone was brought to NH from NY and then worked on and crafted on the shores of Ossipee Lake.
Happy Hunting to you all!