All organizations and businesses  struggled in 2020 due to the pandemic.  You can imagine how difficult the  lockdown was for a newly formed non profit, the Dana Meeting House  Association. Only a few months old,  the budding non-profit had to pivot  and scale back on plans to host events  and show case the historic building.  When the Town of New Hampton  opted to cancel Old Home Day,  volunteers decided that the annual  service at the Dana Meeting House had  never missed that event and they  would opt for a service that would  include an outside tent for gathering,  windows open and socially distancing  within the building. It worked and  brought the courageous, committed  few together in a strong way—what  

else could they do to continue to  promote this special building that has  been the town gathering place for  several centuries? 

 With that energy still in place,  volunteers have crafted a wonderful  calendar of events for the 2021  summer season. The events begin  Memorial Weekend with a vespers  service on Sunday May 30 at 6 p.m.  arranged by Rev. Cambell Lovett  followed by an open house. There will  be an historic presentation on  archaeological finds in NH by Dr.  Robert Goodby on July 17th and  sponsored by NH Humanities to Go  program; a Quilt Show curated by  Eileen Lovett on August 7th and a  series of vesper services to name a few  of the events.  

 The first Annual Meeting will take  place on June 13th. Founding Board  President, Tom Smith will lead the  business meeting and election of  officers. This meeting will be  followed by an open house and an  opportunity to meet the Board and  sign up for the many volunteer  positions available. Come help  celebrate this unique and historic  Meeting House and be a part of the  history of New Hampton. If you have  never experienced sitting in an antique  box pew and listening to a speaker,  this is a great chance to think about  how our ancestors gathered.