Sunday August 28th at 5 PM, the Dana Meeting House will host the final evening meditation and service with Rev. Campbell Lovett of Holderness. Rev. Lovett will lead a late afternoon meditation and prayer service. He will incorporate prayer, song, scripture and meditation. This is a unique opportunity to sit in stillness in your own antique “sheep pen” pew and reflect on your week and this past summer.  Campbell’s service is inclusive and paves the way for an opening of heart and spirit to all denominations.  We hope you will join us for this special and final summer service as we celebrate the dimming of the day and the entrance to our autumn here in New England.

The Dana Meeting House was built in 1800 by the Freewill Baptist movement.  It is a fine example of 19th century architecture and the only one of its kind in New Hampshire.  It was included in the National Register of Historic Places in 2000.   Dana Meeting House Association is a 501c3 formed in 2019 to protect and preserve the historic Dana Meeting House in New Hampton, New Hampshire.  A dedicated group of volunteers oversees the building and programs and they are always looking for new volunteers.

This will be the last meeting at the Dana Meeting House until the Annual Tree Lighting in December.  The Meeting House will also be closed to visitors as the restoration of the ceiling is scheduled to take place September-October.  For more information, you may also call Board President Thomas Smith at 603-573-8673.