By Tom Smith

The Dana Meeting House and the  road it is situated on are named in the  honor of Dr. Simeon Dana. This profile  is a look at who he was and why he  made a difference.  

The Rev. Simeon Dana, MD was born  Nov. 30, 1775 in Lebanon, NH. He  attended Dartmouth College and became  a physician. In 1798 he arrived in New  Hampton at the age of 22. It is said that he felt that this  was a healthy town and care of the ill  would not provide a sufficient outlet for  his boundless energy. On his arrival he  told the neighborhood leaders he was  prepared to teach the district school,  singing school and dancing school in addition to practicing  medicine.  

They were delighted to have a Dartmouth man to instruct the children  in the three R’s and perhaps singing if it  was devoted to hymns but a definite no  to the dancing school. The First Free Will Baptist Church in  New Hampton was organized in January  1800. Dr. Dana served as Clerk for a  number of years. Shortly after arriving he was converted  and baptized by the Freewill Baptists  and in 1803 was ordained to the ministry. He served  this and nearby towns as both a minister  and a physician until his death in 1853. He preached his last sermon from the  pulpit at the Meeting House ten days before his death. It has been written that  the church was filled with people on the  occasion that proved to be his final  message.

Dr. Dana was also a leader in town affairs and served as selectman for  many years. His home was at the top of  the hill approximately one mile north of  the Meeting House. Tradition says that  every evening a candle was placed on a  table in a front window to guide those came for the pastor and  physician when illness or death struck  during the night. Always on horseback,  his saddlebags filled with medicine, Dr. Dana was a familiar figure around this region of the  state. He knew every road and  pathway as he rode over these hills visiting patients and  parishioners on his rounds of  mercy. His life story is written in  five words, “He went about doing  good.” 

Tom Smith is a New Hampton  native and founder of Dana  Meeting House Association.  Information obtained from a Small  Gore of Land, Historical Sketch of  the Dana Meeting House by R.C.  Smith, Family Tree of Dr. Simeon  Dana by Volker Antoni.

Dr. Dana would have been proud to  see community members come  together December 22, 2020 for the  First Annual Tree Lighting and  Carol Sing. While the building was  open inside, attendees gathered  outside in the fresh snow to light the  candles on the tree and sing favorite  carols.