12,000 years ago in the Granite State
The Dana Meeting House Association with generous support from New Hampshire Humanities, will host Dr. Robert Goodby’s presentation, “12,000 years ago in the Granite State” on Saturday July 16th from 6-8 p.m. at the Dana Meeting House at 288 Dana Hill Road in New Hampton.
Fiber Day at the Dana Meeting House
The Dana Meeting House Association will host “Fiber Day,” a day of Wool, Quilts and more at the historic Meeting House in New Hampton on July 9 th from 10-3. This family event is free and open to the public. There will be many different displays, informal talks and demonstrations as well as a corner for kids to draw and make squares for a “paper quilt.” Last summer, the “Quilts of Dana Hill exhibit” was so well attended that the volunteers decided to bring it back again but expand it to include other important fibers that were used in 1800 when the Dana Meeting House was built. Fiber Day will not only include traditional and contemporary quilts but also displays about wool, spinning, carding, dyeing and even an antique sock making machine and demonstration. This event is being hosted by the Dana Meeting House Association and co-curated by guest quilt artist Eileen Lovett from Holderness, board member, Lucienne Brown of Three Creeks Farm NH and artist and board member, Blair Folts. “The Meeting House is a perfect venue for displaying quilts and this year [...]
Presentation and Walk with Dr. Rick Van de Poll on Wild Edibles of New Hampshire
Following the 2nd Annual Business Meeting, we were treated to an incredible presentation by Dr. Rick van de Poll on the wild edible and medicinal plants in this region of New Hampshire followed by an identification walk around the Dana Meeting House. We all enjoyed learning about the incredible edible treasurers around our own homes and farms that were also shared by early settlers who built the meeting house. Big thanks to Rick for his wonderful presentation and for all who volunteered and for everyone who came out to help celebrate the Dana Meeting House Association’s Second “Birthday.”
2nd Annual Dana Meeting House Meeting
We had a lovely turn out of 25+ for our Second Annual Meeting.
History of New England Meeting Houses
On Saturday May 14th, Paul Wainwright, photographer and historian, presented New England Meeting Houses and Their Impact on Society. Thanks so much to everyone who came out to help promote the first event of our summer season at the Dana Meeting House.
New Hampton School students helped with fall clean up for Service Day
In September, we welcomed a group of students from New Hampton School who volunteered to help out with Fall Clean up as part of their Founders Day of Service. They washed all the windows inside and out; washed all the pews and sheep pens and helped rake and pick up around the grounds. Thanks to Headmaster, Joe Williams and Guidance Councilor Rosemary Brewster who introduced their energetic students to the Dana Meeting House. We hope they will be back. Thanks so much!
A Family History – Back to the Past
I don’t remember much about the visit except that it was a spectacularly sunny day, my dad seemed especially pleased to have found the Dana Meeting House and made a connection between it and the family history, of which he was quite proud.
Ceiling restoration will take place in 2022
Dana Meeting House Association is working to repair the Meeting House’s ceiling, a specialized restoration of the cracked and peeling ceiling of the otherwise well-preserved Meeting House.
Visitors enjoyed a full summer of events at the Dana Meeting House
Thanks to the many volunteers and members who helped out in 2021, the Dana Meeting House Association is proud to announce that summer events were well attended and this first season was a huge success.
A historic display of Dana Meeting House items
Stop by at the recently re-opened Gordon-Nash Library in New Hampton, now operated by The New Hampton School.